Monday, August 18, 2008

It is a long time and i haven't wrote anything but due to someone very important in my life I am giving up this long vacation of not writing and I will  try and put some useless ideas in front of.....(I seriously don't know who will read this!!!!)........

greatest pleasure of past 5 years of education( like one of our professors say.....NO PUN INTENTED!!!)

watching movies.....watching more movies.....watching more n more many that sometime i feel i am student of movie and not civil engineering.....

name any 5 famous civil engineers???

:( :( :( :( :(

name any 5 famous actors??

johnny depp :)

denzel washington:)

(apna) KK menon :)

Christian Bale :)

Heath Ledger :)........ony 5 is demanded so i have to curtail my list.......

So my dear readers( if any!!!) u now very well know what my civil engineering is......

Batman begins.....dark knight were two phenomenal films and for film watchers it was a great treat which can't be missed......

requeim for a dream was a master piece which shook me for a week.....( jaan!!! u will not agree with me)

prestige....inspired, taught and reminded me that it is passion which takes you to the top and it is it which can cause madness....

godfather(part 2 and 1).....pushed me to limit of utmost seriousness and took me for pondering over my life....

english patient.....made me realise what extreme love can cause.....

The Shawshank is tough but still with efforts and will man can actually win....

Hazaroon khwashiin aisi..... I always knew idea of revolution is just an idea......

jaane tu ya jaane na..... Most memorable film of my life.....(not bcoz film was good).....

I hope till know readers must have concluded that in India it is very easy to earn a degree.....


A civil engineer by profession :(  :(   :(

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Saturday, August 05, 2006

commun'ism' or capital'ism'
The fight is going on like it has always taken place before, nothing is changing what is changing is the word before 'ism' whether it is 'capitalism' or 'communism'or like in indiacontext'socialism'.Never ever in the history of mankind any school of thought has been able to achieve its ultimate aim.
After the downfall of soviet empire or ussr, the victories celebrations of 'fanatics' of capitalism was not hidden from anybody and eventhough' communism' has failed miserably(atleast in the eyes of karl max) as it never achieved even half of what it aspired for,can any die hard fan of capitalism come and declare that whatever is taking place in the name of capitalism is what they wanted. It might happen that they might not acknowledge their anomalies in front of everybody some where in their hearts they know what is reality...
even in case of socialism(even though it is just name and i don't know where it is practiced and not atleast in india i bet) the idea seems to be so classic but as beautiful as they look in some books in practical terms they not even exist.
It is as tough as it seems but then there is a reason for it. Can in this world we have two humans who are identical in every sense? this is the answer as no two people are same and it is obvious that there thinking will also be different(at least not same in minscual terms) then how can we superimpose a particular theory which some so called intellgent human made and impose on them and when we try then these confrontation take place and leads to such stupendous wars for which agony is also suffered by mankind.
In reality all the humans face different conditions of life every day and that is how accordingly there mind react to the situation and these day to day happenings and problem force him to find out a solution for them and this is how another school of thought emerge and so in this world there are as many school of thought as there are humanbeings.
then what is that ultimate theory which if we follow will lead us to our very own 'utopia' ? again the question has the answer too that nothing 'theorotical' can become 'practical' without 'anomalies' and these anomalies can be very dangerous then what is the way out? love? can't be (just turn the pages of history) religion??(don't start a war between secularism and fundamentalism) then what?
'humanism' .
humanism (my solution)
respect your fellow man,think what you will do with him,will you like when he will do it with you, if the answer is 'no' then action is worth droping.............
i am not a gandhian so the above crap(i hope i haven't hurt anyone) should be overlooked because to me we are humans and not some supernatural forces or not even animals, who can be controled according to the will of somebody,we need our own space to live and if this space will be disturbed we will react and to this the only parameter is our self-concious but for those of us who are no better then animals for them the only way out is escape from this world for which we need law and order and not another 'ism'.
by the way humanism is also a 'ism'...................siddhant walia

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